- Typ
- INT-Note
- Gebiet
- Autor
- M. Jüngst, M. Schultens, S. Zimmermann
- Titel
- A time-over-threshold based approach for particle identification with the ATLAS TRT detector
- Datum
- 2011-10
- Reportnummer
- ATL-COM-INDET-2011-103
- Kurzfassung
- The possibility of a general TRT variable to measure dE/dx for several possible applications will be shown. For four definitions of Time-Over-Threshold and various degrees of freedom in the dE/dx definition the bias in the energy loss measurement was studied. For all definitions corrections on hit-level were determined, separately for data and MC. The measured dE/dx is parametrized by a physically motivated function. It can be used for further studies, for the definition of separation power and for the interpretation as a likelihood hypothesis or a mass measurement. Additionally, the dependence of the resolution on parameters like the number of used hits will be shown and explained. The knowledge of the expected dE/dx and its uncertainty is implemented in an ATHENA tool which can contribute to the particle identification in the wide range of low mass to very high mass particles.
- Link
- CDS Record 1388223