- Typ
- Andere Veröffentlichung
- Gebiet
- Detektorentwicklung
- Autor
- H. Blank, C. Brezina, K. Desch, J. Kaminski, M. Killenberg, T. Krautscheid, W. Ockenfels, S. Zimmermann
- Titel
- EUDET-Memo: Update to the Status of the Bonn R&D Activities for a Pixel Based TPC
- Datum
- 2008-12
- Reportnummer
- EUDET-Memo-2008-30
- Kurzfassung
- We report on the activities at the University of Bonn to set up a laboratory for the development of a pixel based TPC readout. A test stand with a TPC, featuring 26 cm drift distance, and all the infrastructure necessary to operate the detector, like gas system, high voltage supply and readout electronics has been installed. A readout module with several pixel chips for the large EUDET TPC prototype is under construction. Seven dummy modules without electronics have already been shipped to DESY/Hamburg, where a joint test beam with the large prototype has started.
- Link
- http://www.eudet.org/e26/e28/e615/e806/eudet-memo-2008-30.pdf