- Typ
- Konferenz-Proceedings
- Gebiet
- Anderes Gebiet
- Autor
- C. Breuning, C. Grefe, P. Bechtle, K. Desch
- Titel
- Prospects of measuring quantum entanglement in taut final states at a future e+e− Higgs factory
- Datum
- 2024-09
- Reportnummer
- —
- Kurzfassung
- We introduce a method to study quantum entanglement at a future e+e− Higgs factory (here the Future Circular Collider colliding e+ and e− (FCC-ee) operating at s√=240GeV) in the ττ final state. This method is focused on the τ→πντ decay. We show how the introduced method works on simulated events without detector effects. When detector effects are applied, the necessary τ four-momenta can be reconstructed from kinematic constraints. We will discuss the advantages of e+e− collisions over pp collisions where the reconstruction of the ττ rest frame is more difficult. This discussion will focus on the influence of pT trigger cuts on the visible π± in the τ lepton decay.
- Link
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.20239
- Journal
- https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2409.20239