Wermes |
Doktorarbeiten |
Piotr Rymaszewski | Design and characterization of pixel IC electronics and sensors for new pixel detector generations | 2022-03 |
Konstantinos Moustakas | Design and Development of Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with Small Collection Electrode for High-Radiation Applications | 2021-09 |
David-Leon Pohl | 3D-Silicon and Passive CMOS Sensors for Pixel Detectors in High Radiation Environments | 2020-10 |
Alessandra Betti | Search for the SM Higgs boson pair production and new physics phenomena in the bbtautau final state with the ATLAS detector | 2019-12 |
Ruth Jacobs | Probing new physics with boosted H → bb decays with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV | 2019-10 |
Toko Hirono | Development of depleted monolithic active pixel sensors for high rate and high radiation experiments at HL-LHC | 2019-04 |
David Hohn | Search for top-quark-pair associated Higgs production with tau leptons using the ATLAS detector at the LHC | 2018-09 |
Stephan Hageböck | Search for the bb Decay of the Standard Model Higgs Boson | 2018-09 |
Elisabeth Schopf | Search for the Higgs Boson Decay into Bottom and Charm Quarks Using Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV | 2018-07 |
Leonard Germic | Data Handling Processor and Signal Transmission in the Belle II DEPFET Pixel Detector | 2018-07 |
Florian Lütticke | Development of Pixel Modules for the Belle II Detector | 2018-02 |
Tomasz Hemperek | Exploration of advanced CMOS technologies for new pixel detector concepts in High Energy Physics | 2018-01 |
Viacheslav Filimonov | Development of a serial powering scheme and a versatile characterization system for the ATLAS pixel detector upgrade | 2017-08 |
Theresa Obermann | Performance evaluation of a fully depleted monolithic pixel detector chip in 150 nm CMOS technology | 2017-06 |
J. K. Liebal | Measurement of the Higgs Boson Decay to tau-Pairs in the Lepton plus Hadrons Final State in pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector | 2016-09 |
T. Schwindt | Evidence for the Higgs Bosons Decay to tau+ tau- in the Lepton + Hadrons Final State with ATLAS | 2015-03 |
J. Kraus | W→τντ Cross Section Measurement and Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the tau_lep-tau_had Final State with the ATLAS Detector | 2015-02 |
Miroslav Havranek | Development of pixel front-end electronics using advanced deep submicron CMOS technologies | 2014-10 |
D. Hellmich | Measurement of the inclusive Z+bb cross section in pp-collisions at 7 TeV with ATLAS | 2014-09 |
J. Therhaag | Search for the H→bb¯ decay mode of the Standard Model Higgs boson in associated production with a vector boson in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment | 2014-03 |
Malte Backhaus | High bandwidth pixel detector modules for the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer | 2014-01 |
Mikhail Lemarenko | The Belle II DEPFET Pixel Vertex Detector: Development of a Full-Scale Module Prototype | 2014-01 |
H. Jansen | Chemical Vapour Deposition Diamond: Charge Carrier Movement at Low Temperatures and Use in Time-Critical Applications | 2013-12 |
J.-W. Tsung | Diamond and Silicon Pixel Detectors in High Radiation Environments | 2013-12 |
K. Schmieden | Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle and the Spin of the Gluon from Angular Distributions in the Reaction pp → Z/Y* + X → µ<sup>+</sup> µ<sup>-</sup> X with ATLAS | 2013-12 |
M. Lehmacher | Measurement of the Flavour Composition of Dijet Events in Proton-Proton Collisions at √ s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC | 2013-12 |
L. Gonella | Low mass hybrid pixel detectors for the high luminosity LHC upgrade | 2013-09 |
K. K. Mueller | Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector | 2013-08 |
S. Psoroulas | Measurement of jets production in association with a Z boson and in the search for the SM Higgs boson via H → ττ → ll + 4v with ATLAS | 2012-09 |
A. Ludwig | Sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to a Higgs boson with large decay width to invisible final states | 2011-11 |
N. Moeser | A Sensitivity Study for Higgs Boson Production in Vector Boson Fusion in the H → ττ → lh + 3v Final State with ATLAS | 2011-10 |
G. Nunes Hanninger | Observation of W to tau nu Decays with the ATLAS Experiment | 2011-09 |
M. Koch | Development of a Test Environment for the Characterization of the Current Digitizer Chip DCD2 and the DEPFET Pixel System for the Belle II Experiment at SuperKEKB | 2011-09 |
M. Schmitz | Higgs production in Vector Boson Fusion in the Higgs to tau tau to ll+4nu final state with ATLAS: a sensitivity study | 2011-05 |
M. Karagounis | Analog Integrated CMOS Circuits for the Readout and Powering of Highly Segmented Detectors in Particle Physics Applications | 2011-04 |
J. Schumacher | Sensitivity of ATLAS to Alternative Mechanisms of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Vector Boson Scattering qq → qqlvlv | 2011-03 |
M. Mathes | Development and Characterization of Diamond and 3D-Silicon Pixel Detectors with ATLAS-Pixel Readout Electronics | 2011-03 |
L. Reuen | Analysis of pixel systematics and space point reconstruction with DEPFET PXD5 matrices using high energy beam test data | 2011-03 |
D. B. Ta | Top-quark cross section measurements in the dilepton channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC | 2010-10 |
D. B. Ta | Study of top-quark pair cross-section measurement in the dilepton channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC | 2010-10 |
C. Ruwiedel | Identification of hadronic tau using the tau lepton flight path and reconstruction and identification of jets with a low transverse energy at intermediate luminosities with an application to the search for the Higgs boson in vector boson fusion | 2010-06 |
C. Mester | Development of high speed integrated circuit for very high resolution timing measurements | 2009-11 |
J. Fink | Characterization of the Imaging Performance of the Simultaneously Counting and Integrating X-ray Detector CIX | 2009-10 |
O. Mundal | Search for the Associated Production of Charginos and Neutralinos in Proton-Antiproton Collissions at √s = 1.96 TeV with the D0 Detector at the Tevatron | 2009-06 |
M. Lindner | Entwicklung eines zaehlenden Pixeldetektors fuer Digitales Roentgen | 2009-03 |
R. Kohrs | Development and Characterization of a DEPFET Pixel Prototype System for the ILC Vertex Detector | 2008-08 |
I. Rottlaender | Development of a Benchmark Parameter Scan for Higgs Bosons in the NMSSM Model and a Study of the Sensitivity for H>AA>4τ in Vector Boson Fusion with the ATLAS Detector | 2008-07 |
E. Kraft | Counting and Integrating Microelectronics Development for Direct Conversion X-ray Imaging | 2008-01 |
J. Weingarten | System Test and Noise Performance Studies at The ATLAS Pixel Detector | 2007-08 |
J. Meyer | Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using Dilepton Events and a Neutrino Weighting Algorithm with the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron (Run II) | 2007-03 |
M. Loecker | Charakterisierung von bildgebenden Pixeldetektoren aus Si und CdTe ausgelesen mit dem zaehlenden Roentgenchip MPEC 2.3 | 2007-03 |
L. Klingbeil | Entwicklung eines modularen und skalierbaren Sensorsystems zur Erfassung von Position und Orientierung bewegter Objekte | 2006-03 |
M. Trimpl | Design of a current based readout chip and development of a DEPFET pixel prototype system for the ILC vertex detector | 2005-12 |
T. Golling | Measurements of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in Lepton+Jets Final States using a Topological Multivariate Technique a well as Lifetime b-Tagging in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV with the D0 Detector at the Tevatron | 2005-03 |
P. Guenther | Messung der elektromagnetischen Kopplungskonstante a(t) bei OPAL | 2005-03 |
T. Stockmanns | MultiChip-Modul-Entwicklung fuer den ATLAS-Pixeldetektor | 2004-05 |
W. Mader | Measurement of the Strangness Spectral Function and the Mass of the Strange Quark in Hadronic Tau Decays with the OPAL Detector | 2004-04 |
M. Klute | A Measurement of the tt Production Cross Section in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at sqrt (s) = 1.96 TeV with the D0 Detector at the Tevatron using Final States with Muon and Jets | 2004-03 |
I. Peric | Design and Realization of Integrated Circuits for the Readout of Pixel Sensors in High-Energy Physics and Biomedicinal Imaging | 2004-03 |
J. Cammin | Study of a light Standard Model Higgs Boson in the ttH**0 Channel with ATLAS and LHC Decay Mode Independent Searches for Neutral Higgs Bosons with OPAL at LEP | 2004-03 |
J. Ulrici | Bildgebung mit DEPFET- Pixelmatrizen fuer autoradiographische Anwendungen | 2003-05 |
F. Akesson | Suche nach neutralen Higgs-Bosonen mit dem OPAL-Detektor | 2003-04 |
J. Treis | Development and operation of a novel PC-based high speed beam telescope for particle tracking using double sided silicon microstrip detectors | 2002-11 |
S. Meuser | Entwicklung eines Pixelchips fuer das ATLAS Experiment am Large Hadron Collider am CERN | 2002-10 |
S. Rosati | Study of triple and quartic gauge boson couplings in e+e- collision between 180 and 800 GeV | 2002-10 |
M. Keil | Pixeldetektoren aus Silizium und CVD-Diamant zum Teilchennachweis in ATLAS bei LHC | 2001-10 |
T. Kuhl | Suche nach neutralen Higgs-Bosonen in 4-Jet-Endzustaenden aus e+e- -Kollissionen be Wurzel s=(192-202) GeV mit dem OPAL-Detektor | 2001-04 |
M. Ackers | Entwurf und Charakterisierung des ATLAS Pixel Front End Chips FED in strahlenharter DMILL Technologie | 2001-03 |
S. Baumann | Analysen zur Suche nach neutralen Higgs-Bosonen und zur Z-Paar-Produktion in qqtautau-Endzustaenden in e+e--Vernichtung bei Lep II | 2000-04 |
H. Voss | Messung der Drei-Eichboson-Kopplungen in W+W->qqlvl Ereignissen mit optimalen Observalen bei OPAL | 2000-03 |
W. Neeser | Entwicklung eines DEPFET-Bioscopes aus DEPFET-Matrizen | 2000-03 |
B. A. Raith | Entwicklung hybrider Pixel-Detektoren fuer Proton-Proton Kollisionen im ATLAS Experiment am Large Hadron Collider am CERN | 1998-11 |
Diplomarbeiten |
T. Kleinohl | Characterization of DEPFET Pixel Devices under Electron Irradiation | 2012-11 |
S. Hageböck | Anwendung von medizinischen Bildgebungsverfahren auf die Vertexrekonstruktion am LHC | 2012-07 |
P. Koehn | Studien zur Higgs-Boson-Suche im Zerfallskanal H -> tau tau -> lh + 3v | 2012-03 |
K. Nguyen | Untersuchung von Elektron-Myon Paaren in den ersten ATLAS-Daten und eine Messung der mittleren b-Hadron Lebensdauer | 2011-09 |
F. Luetticke | Auslese einer neuen Generation von DEPFET-Pixelsensoren für den Belle II Vertexdetektor und Charakterisierung eines neuen Auslesesystems | 2011-08 |
H. Schories | Studien zu b-tagging in Gegenwart von Mehrfachwechselwirkungen am ATLAS-Experiment | 2011-07 |
Jens Janssen | Development of an FPGA-based FE-I3 pixel readout system and characterization of novel 3D and planar pixel detectors | 2010-11 |
J. Kraus | Measurement of electron production from cosmic rays in the ATLAS detector | 2010-11 |
D. Hellmich | Energy Scale Corrections for Non-Isolated Jets at ATLAS | 2010-10 |
T. Wang | A Study of the Tau Lepton Misidentifikation Probablity from QCD-Jets with ATLAS Data at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV | 2010-10 |
S. Esch | Auslese neuer DEPFET-Sensoren mit verbesserter Ansteuerung und charakterisierenden Messungen zu Antwortverhalten und Homogenitaet | 2010-07 |
T. Schwindt | Entwicklung einer entfalteten Messung differentieller Wirkungsquerschnitte in Z+Jets-Endzuständen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment | 2010-04 |
J. Allofs | Evaluierung von Techniken zur Entwicklung von ATLAS Pixel-Detektor-Modulen fuer Super-LHC | 2010-03 |
P. Hettkamp | Messungen zur Charakterisierung der Ladungsmessungen von DEPFET-Matrizen durch Lasereinstrahlung | 2009-12 |
H. Junker | Characterization of ATLAS Pixel Redout Chip Prototypes for high Luminosity Operation of the LHC | 2009-11 |
Malte Backhaus | Development of an USB-based test system for the FE-I3 readout chips of the ATLAS pixel detector and Noise Occupancy Studies | 2009-10 |
M. Mertens | Messung anomaler Viererkopplungen in der Streuung schwacher Eichbosonen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor am LHC | 2009-03 |
J. Therhaag | Studie zur Messung der Higgsmasse in Vektorbosonfusion im Kanal H -> WW(*) -> lvlv mittels der Matrixelementmethode | 2009-02 |
K. Schmieden | Charakterisierung einer neuen Generation von DEPFET-Sensoren mit Hilfe eines Lasermesssystems | 2008-07 |
J.-W. Tsung | Identification of 1-prong tau-decays into n-pi Final States Using Topological Clusters with ATLAS | 2008-05 |
C. Brezina | Signalintegritaet in integrierten Schaltungen mit digitalen und analogen Funktionen | 2008-03 |
B. Domnik | Studie zur Bestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse ueber den Zerfall der B-Hadronen in dileptonischen ttbar-Ereignissen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment am LHC | 2008-03 |
M. Roeder | Untersuchung verschiedener Monte-Carlo-Generatoren fuer die Analyse der der Vektor-Boson-Fusions-Reaktion qq ->H mit H-> tau tau -> ll+4v mit dem ATLAS-Detektor | 2007-10 |
A. Veenendaal | Identifikationsalgorithmen fuer hadronische Tau-Zerfaelle im Kanal VBF H->tautau fuer das ATLAS-Experiment am LHC | 2007-05 |
M. Rast | Studie zum Entdeckungspotential im Prozess Higgs -> WW -> l nu l nu mit dem ATLAS-Experiment unter Beruecksichtigung des W+Jets-Untergrundes | 2007-05 |
T. Koechling | Untersuchung des Entdeckungspotentials fuer Higgsbosonen in Vektorbosonfusion unter der Beruecksichtigung von QCD-Simulationsrechnungen in naechster fuehrender Ordnung | 2007-03 |
G. Nunes Hanninger | ATLAS level-1 trigger studies for the invisibly decaying Higgs boson produced in vector boson fusion | 2007-02 |
N. Möser | Untersuchung des Entdeckungspotenzials schwerer neutraler Higgsbosonen im Zerfallskanal Neutralino2 + Neutralino 2 > Neutralino 1 + Neutralino 1 + 4 Leptonen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor | 2006-11 |
P. Lodomez | TCT-Messungen zur Ladungssammlungscharakteristik in Si-, CdTE, CZT- und Diamantdetektormaterialien | 2006-09 |
O. Brandt | Measurement ot the Mass of the Top Quark in Dilepton Final States with the D0-Detector | 2006-07 |
M. Koch | Chipentwicklung fuer Pixel- und Mikrostreifen-Detektorelektronik fuer den Teilchennachweis und biomedizinische Bildgebung | 2006-04 |
M. Schmitz | Studie zur Bestimmung des Untergrundes aus Daten und der Higgs-Boson-Masse in Vektorbosonfusion mitt H>tautau>uu+4v mit dem ATLAS-Detektor | 2006-03 |
C. Ruwiedel | Studie zur Messbarkeit der Struktur der Kopplung eines Higgs-Bosons an schwache Eichbosonen in der Vektorbosonfusion mit dem ATLAS-Detektor am LHC | 2006-03 |
M. Lehmacher | Untersuchung des Entdeckungspotentials fuer ein leichtes Higgs-Boson im CPX-Szenario des MSSM mit dem ATLAS-Detektor am LHC | 2006-03 |
C. Sandow | Ladungsansammlung und Loeschvorgang von DEPFET-Pixel-Sensoren | 2005-06 |
D.B. Ta | Entwicklung und Demonstration des 'Serial Powering' an ATLAS Pixelmodulen und Modulleitern (Funktionalitaets- und Zuverlaessigkeitstests) | 2005-05 |
I. Rottlaender | Studie zum Entdeckungspotential eines Higgsbosons aus Vektorbosonfusion mit leptonischem Zerfall fuer das ATLAS Experiment am LHC | 2005-03 |
J. Fink | Untersuchungen zur Ladungssammlung in verschiedenen Halbleitermaterialien mittels der 'Transient Current Technique' | 2005-03 |
D. Tiemann | Untersuchungen an ATLAS Pixelmodulen zum 'Timewalk'-Verhalten und zur Strahlungsresistenz | 2005-03 |
J. Weingarten | Entwicklung eines USB-basierten Auslesesystems fuer die FE-Chips im ATLAS-Pixeldetektor | 2005-03 |
K. Kroeninger | A Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with D0 Detector at sqrt (s) = 1.96 TeV using the Matrix Element Method | 2004-12 |
T. Negrini | Rekonstruktion des Prozesses ttH to b nu L b nu L b b in Proton-Proton-Kollisionen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor am LHC | 2004-06 |
S. Hochkeppel | Untersuchung zur Bestimmung der CP-Natur neutraler Higgs-Bosonen im Prozess ttH bei ATLAS am LHC | 2004-05 |
J. Meyer | Monte Carlo Study of the Measurement of the tt Production Cross Section in the Muon + Jets Channel with D0 Detector at sqrt (s) = 1.96 TeV | 2004-04 |
S. J. Park | Measuring the tt Production Cross Section in the Electron-Plus-Jets Channel in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at sqrt (s)= 1.96 TeV with the D0 Detector at the Tevatron - A Monte Carlo Study- | 2004-03 |
R. Hamburger | Das 'Bluetrak'-Inertialsensorsystem: Kalibration des Systems und Erfassung von Koerperbewegungen | 2003-08 |
D. Gnieser | Vergleich zwischen Simulation des ATLAS-Pixelchips FE-I und Daten des Teststrahls bei CERN | 2003-07 |
F. Massmann | Kalibration und Charakterisierung von ATLAS-Pixelmodulen mit einem Laserstrahl sowie unter extremen Bedingungen | 2003-04 |
M. Karagounis | Entwicklung analoger integrierter Schaltungen fuer Pixeldetektoren | 2003-03 |
A. Engelbertz | Messungen an analogen Testchips fuer den ATLAS-Pixeldetektor | 2002-09 |
S. Krimmel | Entwicklung eines Auslesesystems fuer Roentgen-Pixelchips und Messungen mit einem CdTe-Sensor | 2002-06 |
R. Kohrs | Charakterisierung von ATLAS-Pixelmodulen im Laserstrahl und hinsichtlich der 'bump'- und 'flip-chip'-Technologie | 2002-04 |
E. Kraft | Ein Sensorsystem zu Bestimmung raeumlicher Orientierungen in Echtzeit | 2002-03 |
K. Hinrichs | Charakterisierung und Evaluierung von ATLAS Pixel Front-End Chips, sowie von Pixelmodulen und Einzelchipaufbauten hinsichtlich der Chip-Detektor Verbindungstechnologie | 2001-08 |
L. Klingbeil | Entwicklung von Testsystemen fuer die Pixelchips des ATLAS-Experiments | 2001-03 |
S. Adler | Rauschoptimierung von DEPFET-Strukturen am Fano-Limit | 2001-03 |
J. Cammin | Modelunabhaengige Higgs-Suche bei Lep 2 | 2000-04 |
S. Florin | Untersuchungen an Pixelsensoren fuer Roentgen- und Synchrotronstrahlung | 2000-03 |
A. Helmich | Entwicklung und Test eines zaehlenden Pixel-Auslese-Chips mit Energiefensterung fuer den Roentgennachweis | 1999-03 |
J. Klaiber-Lodewigs | Eigenschaften und Einsatz von CdTe/CdZnTe-Mikrostreifendetektoren | 1999-01 |
M. Loecker | DEPFET-Detektoren: Messungen an Einzelbildzellen und an einer Prototypmatrix | 1999-01 |
T. Aurisch | Untersuchungen an DEPJFET-Matrizen mit gepulstem und kontinuierlichem Loeschvorgang | 1997-11 |
M. Lindner | Einsatz von GaAs-Mikrostreifendetektoren in einem Bioscope-System | 1997-02 |
W. Neeser | Test und Inbetriebnahme von DEPJFET-Detektoren | 1996-08 |
Masterarbeiten |
Johannes Klas | Search for Leptoquark Pair Production in bbtautau Final States at the ATLAS Experiment | 2024-10 |
Scholz, Paula | PXD Emergency Shutdown Investigation | 2023-11 |
Leila Hamdan | Search for the Charged Higgs Production at High Transverse Momenta in the H+ to Wh(h to bb) Channel | 2022-11 |
Mucha, Max | Tackling large and imbalanced data in high energy physics by using a federation of binary classifiers | 2022-11 |
Fiona Ann Jolly | Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling, klambda and the di-vector boson di-Higgs boson coupling, k2V, via Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS detector | 2022-10 |
Markus Frohne | Developments for a multi-module test system for ATLAS ITk pixel detector modules | 2020-03 |
Christian Nass | Identification of H -> bb decays using multivariate analysis techniques with the ATLAS detector | 2019-10 |
Georgios Giakoustidis | Characterisation of Hybrid Pixel Detector Modules Based on the 65nm Readout Chip RD53A | 2019-10 |
Thomas Christian Hölzer | Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the bbtautau Final State in ATLAS using Machine Learning Techniques | 2019-10 |
Sinha Supriya | Charm tagging and search for ZH->llcc decay with ATLAS data | 2019-10 |
Svenja Granderath | Untagged Exclusive Analysis of the Semileptonic Decay $B\rightarrow\pi\ell\nu$ from Belle II Data in Preparation for $|V_{ub}|$ Extraction | 2019-09 |
Lex Greeven | Exclusive untagged analysis of the semi-leptonic decay B→Ïlν in preparation for extracting |V_ub| using early Belle II data | 2019-08 |
Emily Thompson | earch for neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons in the ditau final state with the ATLAS detector | 2018-10 |
Michel Bertemes | Study of semi-inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays with Belle II | 2017-10 |
Doreen Achnitz | Development of an X-ray Fluorescence Setup for the Characterization of Pixel Detectors | 2017-09 |
Yannick Dieter | Setup and Characterization of the Test Beam Area for Pixel Detector Tests at ELSA | 2017-09 |
Christopher Deutsch | Identification and Classification of Hadronic Tau Lepton Decays in the ATLAS Experiment | 2017-09 |
Barbara Leibrock | Characterisation of Final Components of the Belle II Pixel Detector with System Demonstrator Modules | 2017-09 |
Mario Arndt | Semi-inclusive measurement of the excited charmed (1P) resonances in semi-leptonic B decays using hadronic tagging and the full data set of the Belle experiment | 2017-06 |
Nandita Khetan | Development and Integration of the FANGS detector for the Beast II experiment of Belle II | 2017-04 |
Verena Muckhoff | Search for Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons H/A -> tau tau at ATLAS | 2017-03 |
Patrick Ahlburg | Development of a FE-I4-based module for radiation monitoring with BEAST II during the commissioning phase of the Belle II detector | 2016-11 |
S. Falke | Search for New Physics in semileptonic B->D*lnu decays with hadronic tagging at the Belle experiment | 2016-09 |
C. Wessel | Optimization of the online data reduction algorithms of the Belle II experiment using DATCON | 2016-09 |
C. Vergis | Search for W'-> tau nu at 13 TeV at ATLAS | 2016-08 |
L. W. Mari | Characterization of ATLAS pixel detectors for background radiation measurements at Belle II | 2016-02 |
S. Duell | Analysis of B->pi tau nu decays with semileptonic tag at the Belle-experiment | 2015-10 |
S. Lambertz | Search for right-handed currents in B -> rho l nu events with the Belle Experiment | 2015-10 |
S. Ehlers | Search for heavy resonances W’ to tau nu with the ATLAS experiment | 2015-04 |
A. Ermakov | Exclusive-inclusive measurement and fragmentation studies of charmless semileptonic decays at the Belle Experiment | 2014-08 |
B. T. Winter | Reconstruction of neutral pions in hadronic tau lepton decays in the ATLAS detector | 2014-01 |
S. Yuen | Improving the Reconstruction of Neutral Pions in Tau Decays Using the Strip Layer of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter | 2013-10 |
L. Pesantez | Measurement of CP asymmetry in radiative B decays at Belle | 2012-09 |
J. Hasenbusch | Measurement Of The B->tau nu Branching-Fraction At The Belle-Experiment | 2012-08 |
M. Schnell | Data Concentrator for the Belle II Pixel Detector | 2012-07 |
C. A. Beleño de la Barrera | Measurement of the B -> eta l v and B -> eta l v decays with a fully reconstructed Btag with the Belle experiment | 2012-03 |
Hartung, Sabine | Initial steps towards the Fabrication of InGrid-Structures at FTD | 0-00 |