Conference Talks
Ian C. Brock (on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration)The Standard Model and the top quark at the LHCDPG 2019, Aachen2019-03-29
Ian Brock (on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaboration)Single top-quark production at the LHCLHCP 20182018-06-08
Rui ZhangAssociated single top-quark production in leptonic channels at 13 TeV (t + V)Dortmund2017-09-05
Ian Brock Extended studies of isolated photon production in deep inelastic scattering at HERAEPS, Venice Italy 2017-07-05
Regina Moles-VallsYoung scientist working in large HEP CollaborationsBCGS - Physikzentrum Bad Honnef2017-05-19
Regina Moles-VallsSmall-R jets and Missing EtTop Workshop 100fb-1 - CERN2017-05-10
Rui ZhangExtrapolation study on tW & s-channel measurementsCERN2017-05-10
Rui ZhangExtrapolation study on tW & s-channel measurementsCERN2017-05-10
Irina Cioara Single top quark production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHCDIS 2017, Birmingham UK 2017-04-02
Regina Moles-VallsSingle Top production at ATLAS and CMSMoriondQCD - La Thuile 2017-03-25
Regina Moles-VallsParticle flow status report5th SgTop workshop, Valencia (Spain)2016-12-12
Rui ZhangExperiences with RooStatsValencia, Spain2016-12-12
Rui ZhangSearches for new phenomena in final states of high-pT lepton and jets using the ATLAS detectorMelbourne, Australia2016-07-03
Ian BrockTop quark properties at ATLAS and CMSBlois, France2016-05-29
R.Moles-VallsParticle flow jets and boosted top-tagging for top physics Top wokshop beyond 13TeV, CERN2016-04-19
Rui ZhangBCGS Admission Academy of HEP-exBonn2016-04-04
Irina CioaraSingle top production in association with a Z boson at ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg2016-02-29
Ozan ArslanSearch for single top-quark production via flavour changing neutral currents at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorDPG 2016, Hamburg2016-02-29
Peter FalkeParticle flow jets in the ttbar l+jets channel in ATLASDPG Fruehjahrstagung 2016, Hamburg2016-02-29
Pienpen SeemaMeasurements of differential cross-sections for t-channel single top-quark production in ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg2016-02-29
Rui ZhangWt channel cross section measurement in single top quark production with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeVDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg2016-02-29
Irina Cioara tZ single-lepton / di-lepton analysis @ 13 TeVIV Single top workshop- Wuppertal2015-12-04
R.Moles-VallsParticle flow status & plansIV Single top workshop- Wuppertal2015-12-03
Ozan ArslanSearch for single top-quark production via flavour changing neutral currents at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorTerascale Meeting 2015, Hamburg2015-11-17
R.Moles-VallsIntroduction to PFlowHCW-Bratislava2015-09-14
Irina CioaraOptimization of the track-cluster matching procedure for the particle flow algorithm in ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-11
Rui Zhanghadoop as cluster file system for an ATLAS Tier3 analysis siteDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-11
Ozan ArslanFCNC in top productionWuppertal2015-03-10
Ozan ArslanFCNC in top productionDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-10
Pienpen SeemaMeasurements of differential cross-sections for t-channel single top-quark production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detectorDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-10
Sebastian MergelmeyerW-Associated Production of Single Top Quarks Decaying into Leptons and Jets in ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-10
Anjishnu BandyopadhyayStatistical methods used in the search for singly produced vector-like quarks in ATLASDPG Fruhjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-09
Elena ZarkhSTYX - bringing new life into old detectorsDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal2015-03-09
Elena ZarkhSTYX - Further developmentsBonn2015-01-26
Ozan ArslanFCNC in top production and decayCKM 2014, Vienna, Austria2014-09-08
Thomas VelzIntroduction to Advanced Programming ConceptsAdvanced Programming Concepts 2014, Munich, Germany2014-06-23
Thomas VelzBasic Concepts of Object Oriented DesignAdvanced Programming Concepts 2014, Munich, Germany2014-06-23
Pienpen SeemaOptimization of particle flow algorithms in ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz2014-03-27
Irina CioaraOptimization of the Wt associated production analysis at ATLAS using kinematic fitting and neural networksDPG-Fru ̈hjahrstagung, Mainz2014-03-25
Ozan ArslanFlavour Changing Neutral Currents in Top Quark ProductionDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz2014-03-25
Rui ZhangSearching for single top-quark production in the di-lepton channel at ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz2014-03-25
Sebastian MergelmeyerW-associated Production of Single Top-Quarks in the Lepton + Jets Channel at ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz2014-03-25
Ian BrockTop-Quark Mass at the LHCDurbach Germany2013-09-14
Sebastian MergelmeyerHeavy Flavour Photoproduction Measurements at HERAHadron Structure '13, Tatranské Matliare, SK2013-07-01
Ian BrockCharm and Beauty Photoproduction at HERAParis2013-05-20
Jan StillingsSingle top quark production in ATLAS at the LHCLHCP 2013, Barcelona, Spain2013-05-13
Ewald PaulMeasurement of charm fragmentation fractions in photoproduction at HERAMarseille2013-04-22
Ian BrockMeasurement of high-Q2 neutral current deep inelastic e+p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERAMarseille2013-04-22
Pienpen SeemaMonte Carlo generator comparison for the Wt-channel of single top-quark productionDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden2013-03-05
Pienpen SeemaSearch for single top-quark production in the Wt-channel with 1 lepton and 2 jets at ATLASMaster Colloquium, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn2012-10-08
Dustin HebeckerSTYX (Straw Tube Young student eXperiment) - Aufbau und KalibrierungBachelorkolloquium, Bonn2012-09-20
Muhammad AlhroobSearch for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents in Single Top-Quark Production at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS DetectorPromotionskolloquium, Bonn2012-08-14
Thomas LoddenkötterImplementierung und Anwendung eines kinematischen Fits zur Messung der Produktion einzelner Top-Quarks im Wt-Kanal mit Hilfe eines neuronalen Netzwerks bei ATLASPromotionskolloquium, Bonn2012-03-09
Muhammad AlhroobSingle top-quark production through FCNC DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Göttingen2012-02-29
Pienpen SeemaSingle top quark production in the Wt channel at ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Göttingen2012-02-29
Thomas LoddenkötterKinematic fit of single top-quark Wt-channel production and its application in a neural-network based analysis in ATLASDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Göttingen2012-02-29
Elena NickelDie Lepton-Transversalimpuls-Methode zur Messung der Top-Quark-MasseDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Göttingen2012-02-28
Elizabeth NuncioTop quark mass measurement with the ATLAS experimentDPG-Physikerinnentagung (Saarbrücken)2011-11-03
Ozan ArslanMeasurement of Beauty and Charm Cross Sections in Dijet Photoproduction at ZEUSMaster Colloquium, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn2011-10-17
Ian C. BrockBeauty and Truth in Particle PhysicsMoscow State University, Moscow2011-10-05
Elizabeth NuncioTop-quark studies in BonnATLAS-D Workshop (Göttingen)2011-09-22
Muhammad AlhroobSingle top quark measurements at ATLASBeyond the Standard Model: Results with the 7 TeV LHC Collision Trieste/Italy2011-09-19
Peter KövesarkiUnparameterized multi-dimensional kernel density and likelihood ratio estimatorACAT2011 London, UK2011-09-04
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA using decays into electronsPoster session, EPS 2011, Grenoble, France2011-07-21
Ramoona ShehzadiMeasurement of heavy-quark jet photoproduction at HERAPoster session, EPS 2011, Grenoble, France2011-07-21
Philipp MehnertBestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse anhand der Transversalimpulse der Zerfallsleptonen im Lepton+Jets-Kanal mit dem ATLAS-DetektorDiplomkolloquium, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn2011-06-20
Michael MüllerAnwendung der System8-Methode zur Bestimmung von b-Tagging-Effizienzen am ATLAS-DetektorDiplomkolloquium, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn2011-06-06
Muhammad AlhroobSearch for Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in Single Top Quark Production in ATLASPhysics at LHC 2011, Perugia/Italy2011-06-06
Serpil SezerBeobachtungen von W- und Z-Bosonen und Abschätzung des W+Jets- und QCD-Untergrundes in der Top-Quark-Paarproduktion mit dem ATLAS-DetektorDiplomkolloquium, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn2011-04-27
Ian C. BrockBeauty and Truth in Particle PhysicsCMU, Pittsburgh, USA2011-04-20
Ian C. BrockMeasurement of heavy-quark jet photoproduction at HERADIS2011, Newport News, USA2011-04-13
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty production in DIS at HERA using decays into electronsDIS 2011, Newport News, VA USA2011-04-11
Ozan ArslanMeasurement of Beauty and Charm Cross Sections in Photoproduction at ZEUSDPG Karlsruhe2011-04-01
Sebastian MergelmeyerCross Section Measurement of Charm and Bottom Quark Photoproduction using Secondary VerticesDPG, Karlsruhe2011-04-01
Jan StillingsSingle Top Quark Production in the Wt Channel at ATLASDPG Frühjahrstagung, Karlsruhe2011-03-30
Muhammad AlhroobSearch for single top production through FCNC at ATLAS experimentDPG, Karlsruhe/Germany2011-03-28
Peter KövesarkiApplication of an Unsupervised Multivariate Method on 7 TeV ATLAS DataDPG Frühjahrstagung, Karlsruhe2011-03-28
Verena SchönbergHeavy Flavour Production at HERALake Louise Winter Institute 2011, Lake Louise, Canada2011-02-20
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA using decays into electronsPromotionskolloquium, Bonn2011-01-14
Balint RadicsPromotionskolloquium Konferenzraum II2010-11-30
Balint RadicsUnderstanding backgrounds towards a first measurement of the top quark pair cross-section at ATLASThe Xth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons, Frascati, Italy, http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/hql10/2010-10-14
Ramoona ShehzadiJets and heavy flavours at HERADiffraction 2010, Otranto2010-09-10
Ian BrockPrecision QCD Tests and alpha_S Measurements (at HERA)PIC2010, Karlsruhe2010-09-01
Markus JuengstCharm and Beauty production from semileptonic decays at HERA35th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Paris, France2010-07-22
Sebastian MergelmeyerD*-Photoproduktion mit assoziierten Jets und Vertices bei ZEUSPhysikalisches Institut, Bonn2010-05-17
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty production in DIS using semileptonic electron decays at HERADPG-Tagung, Bonn2010-03-17
Sebastian MergelmeyerD*-Photoproduktion mit assoziierten JetsDPG-Tagung Bonn2010-03-17
Jan StillingsBestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse unabhängig von Jet-Energien am ATLAS-DetektorDPG-Tagung Bonn2010-03-15
Markus JüngstMessung der Beauty- und Charm-Produktion anhand semileptonischer Zerfälle in ElektronenDPG-Tagung Bonn2010-03-15
Peter KövesárkiHigh pT top reconstruction in top-antitop events in ATLAS at 10TeVDPG Tagung Bonn2010-03-15
Thomas LoddenkötterCSC-Alignment mit verschiedenen Software-Versionen bei ATLASDPG-Tagung Bonn2010-03-15
Verena SchönbergInklusive Messung der Produktion schwerer Quarks mittels Sekundärvertices bei ZEUSPromotionskolloquium, Bonn2010-03-05
Markus JüngstMessung semileptonischer Zerfälle schwerer Quarks bei ZEUSPromotionskolloquium, Bonn2010-02-04
Martina MöllerBestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse aus Transversalimpulsen von Zerfallsleptonen mit dem ATLAS-DetektorBachelorvortrag, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn2009-12-21
Balint RadicsA new Data Format - Derived Physics DatasetsIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA2009-10-25
Jan StillingsTop Quark Mass Measurement using Lepton Transverse Momenta at ATLASRathen, BND School 20092009-09-21
Andrea WagnerBestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse aus Lepton+Jets-ZerfällenBachelorvortrag, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn2009-09-08
Markus JüngstBeauty production at HERAWorkshop on low-x physics, Ischia, Italy2009-09-08
Verena SchönbergMeasurement of beauty photoproduction from inclusive secondary vertexing at HERAXXIV International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies, Hamburg, Germany2009-08-17
Verena SchönbergHeavy Flavour photoproduction at HERAThe 2009 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Cracow, Poland2009-07-15
Markus JüngstFraction and Scale Factor FittingBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2009-04-16
Balint RadicsData-driven estimation of W+jets background for sigma(ttbar) at 10 TeV pp collisions at ATLASRHIC School - Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest, Hungary2009-04-12
Jan StillingsTop Quark Mass Measurement using Lepton Transverse Momenta at ATLASPhysikalisches Institut, Bonn2009-03-20
Balint RadicsDetermination of top+antitop production cross section in the muon+jets channel at ATLASDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Detlef BartschMessung des Top-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei ATLASDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Markus JüngstMessung der Beauty- und Charm-Produktion anhand semileptonischer Zerfälle in Elektronen unter Verwendung des ZEUS-MikrovertexdetektorsDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Muhammad AlhroobSoft muon simulation with ATLFAST-IIDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Peter KövesárkiHierarchy of jets in tt events in the ATLAS detectorDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty and Charm production in DIS using semileptonic electron decaysDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Verena SchönbergBestimmung des Beauty- und Charm-Produktionsquerschnitts aus inklusivem Sekundärvertexing bei ZEUSDPG-Tagung, München2009-03-09
Verena SchönbergBeauty and charm production from inclusive secondary vertexingZeus Collaboration Meeting, DESY Hamburg2009-02-12
Markus JüngstZeVis - Status ReportZEUS Collaboration Meeting, DESY Hamburg2009-02-11
Ian C. BrockBeauty and Truth in Particle PhysicsUniversität Rostock2008-12-12
Balint RadicsTop+antitop production cross section measurements at ATLAS2nd Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance 'Physics at the Terrascale'2008-11-27
Markus JüngstBeauty production measurement using decays into electrons at HERABrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-11-17
Michal WlasenkoElectroweak physics at HERAPoster session, PANIC converence in Eilat, Israel2008-11-09
Michal WlasenkoMeasurement of the Structure of the Proton at HERAPANIC conference in Eilat, Israel2008-11-08
Serge Duarte PintoA Large area GEM detectorIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 2008, Dresden2008-10-19
Serge Duarte PintoA large area gem detector (paper)IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 2008, Dresden2008-10-09
Ramoona ShehzadiHeavy Flavour production at HERA as a probe of Hard QCDISMD08 - International Symposium on Multi particle Dynamics 20082008-09-17
Michal WlasenkoNeutral Currents with ZEUS at HERA2Brock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-08-28
Ramoona ShehzadiBeauty and Charm production in DIS using semileptonic decays at HERABrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-07-31
Markus JüngstHeavy quark production and spectroscopy at HERA34th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Philadelphia2008-07-29
Markus JüngstBeauty photoproduction using decays into electrons at HERA34th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Philadelphia2008-07-29
Peter Kövesárki, Jan StillingsCutting the Trees - Top analysis with the Gardener PackageBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-07-24
Verena SchönbergHeavy Flavour Production at HERAWorkshop on low-x physics, Crete 20082008-07-08
Michal Wlasenko06/07 e+p NC request for preliminaryZEUS Woche, Madrid2008-07-04
Verena SchönbergBeauty Production From Inclusive Secondary VertexingZEUS Collaboration Meeting, Madrid2008-07-02
Markus JüngstZeVis - Status ReportZEUS Collaboration Meeting, Madrid2008-06-30
Verena SchönbergSTT Dead Channel SimulationZEUS Collaboration Meeting, Madrid2008-06-30
Ian C. BrockHeavy Quark Production at HERAThe 8th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm, and Beauty Hadrons, Columbia, USA2008-06-24
Adriana Elizabeth Nuncio QuirozStudy of beauty quark and next-to-leading order effects at HERABrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-06-10
Melanie KlößIdentifikation von Elektronen aus semileptonischen b-Quark Zerfällen unter Verwendung von TMVA mit dem ZEUS-DetektorDiplomkolloquium, Bonn2008-04-25
Muhammad AlhroobTop Cross Section by using the Counting Method at ATLAS ExperimentBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-04-17
Ursula SamsonBeauty photoproduction at ZEUSUniversity College London2008-04-08
Serge Duarte PintoPTF-Resistors - anode current of single mask triple GEM2008-03-20
Serge Duarte PintoEmbedded PTF resistors2008-03-06
Thomas LoddenkoetterGlobales Alignment des ZEUS Straw-Tube-Trackers DPG-Frühjahrstagung Freiburg 2008-03-06
Verena SchönbergBestimmung des Beauty-Produktionsquerschnitts bei ZEUS anhand semileptonischer ZerfälleDPG-Frühjahrstagung Freiburg2008-03-05
Detlef BartschHeavy Quark production at HERA and Heavy Quark contributions to the Proton Structure FunctionLake Louise Winter Institute 20082008-02-23
Serge Duarte PintoIdea for a discharge counter circuit2008-02-21
Serge Duarte PintoTesting HV capabilities of ZIF socket2008-02-14
Markus JüngstZeVis - Status ReportZEUS Collaboration Meeting, Hamburg2008-02-11
Serge Duarte PintoLarge GEMsBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2008-02-07
Serge Duarte PintoHigh voltage - Vertical insert ZIF sockets for high voltage board2008-01-24
Marta WlodarczykQuantum correlations in neutral kaon systemsBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2007-12-13
Melanie KlösStudies with TMVABrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2007-12-13
Malte SchulzZEUS STT Global AlignmentBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2007-11-22
Thomas LoddenkötterDESY/HH ATLAS ActivitiesBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2007-11-08
Detlef BartschParticle identification with the ZEUS CTD based on dE/dx likelihood ratiosBrock/Desch Seminar - Bonn2007-10-25
Detlef BartschParticle identification with the CTD based on dE/dx likelihood ratiosZEUS monday meeting, Hamburg2007-10-01
Ramoona ShehzadiLocal & Global Alignment of the Straw Tube Tracker in the ZEUS DetectorJoint Dutch Belgian German Graduate School, Belgium (Spa)2007-09-10
Michal Wlasenko06/06 e+p NC Status ReportZEUS Collaboration Meeting Chios2007-09-04
Robert ZimmermannKalibrierung und Charakterisierung der dE/dx-Information der Zentralen Driftkammer bei Zeus39. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik Maria Laach2007-09-04
Verena SchönbergTracking for Heavy FlavoursZEUS Collaboration Meeting Chios2007-09-04
Markus JüngstHeavy Flavour Production in ep CollisionsLow-X Workshop, Helsinki2007-08-29
Detlef BartschCTD dE/dx measurementsHFL meeting, Hamburg2007-08-23
Detlef BartschDie dE/dx Messung mit der Zentralen Spurkammer von ZEUSPromotionskolloquium2007-05-24
Michal WlasenkoHigh Q2 Neutral Current e+p scattering with longitudinally polarized leptons at ZEUSDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg2007-03-06
Oliver M. Kind, Markus JüngstMessung des Beauty-Produktionsquerschnitts anhand semileptonischer Zerfälle in Elektronen mit dem ZEUS-DetektorDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg2007-03-06
Ramoona ShehzadiInternal Alignment of the Straw-Tube Tracker in the ZEUS DetectorDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg2007-03-06
Verena SchönbergSTT Calibration & AlignmentZEUS Collaboration Meeting Florence2006-10-16
Markus JüngstPhotoproduction of b and c Quarks Selected by Semileptonic Decays to e+- with the ZEUS DetectorJoint Dutch Belgian German Graduate School, Bad Honnef2006-09-15
Verena SchönbergDer ZEUS-Straw-Tube-Tracker - Auswertung erster Daten, Effizienzbestimmung und Anpassung der Simulation38. Schule für Hochenergiephysik Maria Laach2006-09-05
Detlef Bartschcorrections for CTD dE/dx measurements - Status Report 2006-06-26
Markus JüngstElektronidentifikation mit dem ZEUS-Detektor und Bestimmung des Beauty-ProduktionsquerschnittsDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dortmund2006-03-30
Verena SchönbergDer ZEUS-Straw-Tube-Tracker - Auswertung erster Daten, Effizienzbestimmung und Anpassung der SimulationDPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dortmund2006-03-28
Detlef Bartschcorrections for dE/dx measurementsZEUS Collaboration Meeting Amsterdam2005-10-09
Verena SchönbergSTT Performance - ZTT-STT Matching & Examination of Bad STT ChannelsZEUS Collaboration Meeting Amsterdam2005-10-09
Detlef BartschCTD dE/dx corrections - status reportZEUS-Woche2005-06-07
Detlef BartschCTD dE/dx wire corrections for HERA I dataZEUS-Woche, tracking session2005-06-07
Detlef BartschCTD dE/dx studies -status reportZEUS-Woche2004-10-19
Detlef BartschNew results on heavy flavour physics at HERAWorkshow on low x physics, Prag2004-09-17
Oliver M. Kind, Detlef BartschCTD dE/dx studiesZEUS Week, Hamburg2004-06-25
Ian C. BrockQCD STUDIES AT HERALa Thuile2002-09-01
Conference Posters
Irina CioaraMeasurement of the production cross-section of a single top quark in association with Z boson at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorTop2017, Braga Portugal 2017-09-18
Rui ZhangMeasurement of tW Differential Cross-Sections with the ATLAS Detector at 13 TeVBraga, Portugal2017-09-17
Ian Brock Performance of Jets and Missing Transverse Energy Measurements using Particle Flow in ATLASEPS, Venice Italy 2017-07-05
Ozan ArslanSearch for single top-quark production via flavour changing neutral currents at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorEPS-HEP 2015, Vienna2015-07-22
Sebastian MergelmeyerMeasurement of the Wt Production Cross-Section in Dilepton Events with the ATLAS Detector (Poster)ICHEP 2014, Valencia, ES2014-07-03
Jan StillingsEvidence for the associated production of a W boson and a top quark in ATLASPoster Session, LHCP 2013, Barcelona, Spain2013-05-13
Thomas LoddenkötterAlignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking systemPoster Session, PLHC 2010, Hamburg2010-06-07
DPG Talks
Ian Brock (on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaboration)The Standard Model and the top quark at the LHCDPG 2019, Aachen2019-03-29
Tanja HolmMeasuring the Jet Energy Resolution with the Bisector Method in ATLASDPG 2018, Wuerzburg2018-03-21
Dorothee Wohlleben Associated single top quark+ Z boson production in a dilepton final state at ATLASDPG Münster2017-03-27
Irina Cioara Single top production in association with a Z boson with ATLAS DPG Münster2017-03-27
Regina Moles-VallsATLAS particle flow algorithm: jet reconstruction and performanceDPG-Münster2017-03-27
Rui ZhangMeasurement of differential cross-section of tW channel with ATLAS at 13 TeVDPG-Münster2017-03-27
Balint RadicsTop quark pair production studies using the ATLAS detector at LHCDPG-Frühjahrstagung Freiburg2008-03-05
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